

Eigene Publikationen

Die Ärzte und Kooperationspartner der Praxisgemeinschaft sowie die wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter haben ihre Forschungsergebnisse und klinischen Erfahrungen in Fachzeitschriften, in Form von Buchbeiträgen, Doktorarbeiten und Beiträgen auf nationalen und internationalen Kongressen veröffentlicht.1

An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bei unseren Patienten bedanken, die durch ihre Einwilligung die Veröffentlichung und Weitergabe der gesammelten Erfahrungen anonymisiert möglich gemacht haben.



Nesselhut, T., Marx, D., Nesselhut, J. and Fändrich, F. (2011). Immunotherapy with Dendritic Cells and Newcastle Disease Virus in Glioblastoma Multiforme.
In Brain Tumors - Current and Emerging Therapeutic Strategies (Hrsg. A. L. Abujamra), S. 355-74, Intech, Rijeka. [ISBN 978-953-307-588-4]

Nesselhut, T. (2006). Spezifische Immuntherapie mit Dendritischen Zellen.
In Gynäkologie integrativ. Konventionelle und komplementäre Therapie (Hrsg. I. Gerhard and M. Kiechle), S. 215-7, Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer Verlag, München. [ISBN 978-3-437-56260-0]

Peters, J. H. and Nesselhut, T. (2006). Dendritische Zellen.
In Onkologie integrativ. Konventionelle und komplementäre Therapie (Hrsg. B. Pfeifer, J. Preiß and C. Unger), S. 174-9, Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer Verlag, München. [ISBN 978-3-437-56420-8]

Peters, J. H., Marx, D., Lorenzen, D. and Nesselhut, T. (2004). Dendritische Zellen: Aktivatoren der spezifischen Immunantwort gegen Tumoren.
In Erfahrungsheilkunde (Hrsg. G. Irmey), S. 210-6, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Stuttgart. [ISSN 0014-0082]

Peters, J. H. (1981). Hybridomas of mouse dendritic cells (DC) expressing phenotypic markers of
DC including growth-stimulatory action on T-lymphocytes.
In Mechanisms of lymphocyte activation (Hrsg. K. Resch and H. Kirchner), S. 537-40, Elsevier, Amsterdam. [ISBN 0-444-80376-9]

Kongreßbeiträge: Vorträge und Poster

Hildenbrand, B., Neumann, F., Lorenzen, D. R., Müller-Hübenthal, B., Huber, M., Freudenberg, M., Galanos, C., Bartsch, H.-H. and Azemar, M.
Paclitaxel potentiates endotoxin-induced maturation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells under serum-free conditions.
10th Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) (Mainz, Deutschland) 23. - 25.05.2012.

Hildenbrand, B., Neumann, F., Lorenzen, D. R., Müller-Hübenthal, B., Huber, M., Freudenberg, M., Galanos, C., Bartsch, H.-H. and Azemar, M.
Prestimulation with 2-Hydroxy-Octadecylphosphocholine inhibits the Cytokine Secretion of Monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells matured with Dendrophilin A201 and IFN-γ without Changing their TH1-Polarisation.
10th Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) (Mainz, Deutschland) 23. - 25.05.2012.

Nesselhut, J., Marx, D., Lorenzen, D. R., Cillien, N., Goebel, W., Chang, R. Y., Brockmann, W., Peters, J. H., Nesselhut, K., Fändrich, F.
and Nesselhut, T.

Improvement of dendritic cell therapy in glioblastoma multiforme WHO 4 by Newcastle disease virus.
47th ASCO Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, USA) 03. - 07.06.2011.

Nesselhut, T.
Immuntherapie mit dendritischen Zellen auf der Schwelle zur Standardtherapie.
1. Kongress für komplementäre Krebstherapie (München, Deutschland) 7. - 8.05.2011.

Nesselhut, J., Marx, D., Chang, R. Y., Lorenzen, D. R., Cillien, N., Goebel, W., Fändrich, F. and Nesselhut, T.
Immunotherapy with dendritic cells as a second-line therapy in advanced pleural mesothelioma.
46th ASCO Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, USA) 04. - 08.06.2010.

Nesselhut, J., Lorenzen, D. R., Marx, D., Chang, R. Y., Matthes, C., Hildenbrand, B., Schneider, E. M. and Nesselhut, T.
Cellular immune suppression in cancer patients and its implication for dendritic cell therapy.
45th ASCO Annual Meeting (Orlando, Florida, USA) 29.05. - 02.06.2009.

Lorenzen, D. R., Nesselhut, T., Hildenbrand, B., Freudenberg, M., Galanos, C., Matthes, C., Marx, D., Goebel, W., Wiesmüller, K.-H. and
Nesselhut, J.

Th1 polarisation of human monocytes-derived dendritic cells by sequential stimulation with TLR2- and TLR4-agonists using serum-free conditions.
10th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells (Kobe, Japan) 01. - 05.10.2008.

Lorenzen, D. R., Wischke, C., Schendler, A., Wessinger, B., Zimmermann, J., Peters, J. H., Borchert, H. H. and Nesselhut, T.
Impact of Poly(I:C) coated microparticles phagocytosis on the phenotype and function of immature dendritic cells.
10th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells (Kobe, Japan) 01. - 05.10.2008.

Nesselhut, J., Marx, D., Chang, R. Y., Matthes, C., Lorenzen, D. R., Hildenbrand, B., Peters, J. H. and Nesselhut, T.
Immunotherapy with dendritic cells primed with an allogeneic melanoma cell line in advanced metastatic melanoma.
44th ASCO Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, USA) 30.05. - 03.06.2008.

Lorenzen, D. R., Wiesmüller, K.-H., Azemar, M., Sauer, B., Freudenberg, M. A., Galanos, C., Peters, J. H., Nesselhut, T., Unger, C. and
Hildenbrand, B.

Sequential stimulation of different TLRS improves the TH1-polarisation of maturing human monocytes-derived dendritic cells using serum-free conditions
Hildenbrand, B., Azemar, M., Neumann, F., Lorenzen, D., Sauer, B., Martin, S. F., Huber, M., Unger, C., Freudenberg, M. A. and Galanos, C.
TH1-polarisation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells matured under serum-free conditions with novel highly purified TLR4-agonists.
28. Deutscher Krebskongress (Berlin, Deutschland) 20. - 23.02.2008.

Hildenbrand, B., Lorenzen, D. R., Sauer, B., Freudenberg, M. A., Galanos, C., Hertkorn, C., Nesselhut, T., Unger, C. and Azemar, M.
IFN-y enhances type-1 polarisation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells matured with clinical-grade cytokines using serum-free conditions.
28. Deutscher Krebskongress (Berlin, Deutschland) 20. - 23.02.2008.

Nesselhut, J., Nesselhut, T., Chang, R. Y., Marx, D., Brockmann, W., Wilke, I., Matthes, C., Lorenzen, D. R., Stücker, W., Peters, J. H. and Lüke, W.
Dendritic cell therapy in glioblastoma multiforme.
43rd ASCO Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, USA) 01. - 05.06.2007.

Lorenzen, D. R., Matthes, C., Marx, D., Nesselhut, J., Peters, J. H., Riggert, J., Carste, C. and Nesselhut, T.
Isolation and enrichment of monocytes from leukapheresis products by counterflow elutriation as source of dendritic cells for cancer immunotherapy.
9th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells (Edinburgh, Schottland) 16. - 20.09.2006.

Nesselhut, T., Lorenzen, D. R., Marx, D., Chang, R. Y., Nesselhut, J., Matthes, C., Cillien, N., Stücker, W. and Peters, J. H.
Cancer Therapy with tumor cell lysate pulsed monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with metastatic colon cancer; improvement by danger signals.
42nd ASCO Annual Meeting (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) 02. - 06.06.2006.

Becher, C., Lorenzen, D. R., Nesselhut, T., Nesselhut, J., Matthes, C. and Viviani, A.
Effect of IFN-alpha on the phenotype and stimulatory function of monocyte derived dendritic cells.
Joint annual meeting of the German and Scandinavian Societies of Immunology (Kiel, Deutschland) 21. - 24.09.2005.

Wischke, C., Lorenzen, D. R., Zimmermann, J. and Borchert, H.-H.
Physical stability of CTABPLGA microparticles for DNA vaccination.
Joint annual meeting of the German and Scandinavian Societies of Immunology (Kiel, Deutschland) 21. - 24.09.2005.

Zimmermann, J., Wischke, C., Peters, J. H., Borchert, H.-H., Nesselhut, T. and Lorenzen, D. R.
PLGA microparticles as an efficient antigen delivery system for dendritic cells.
Joint annual meeting of the German and Scandinavian Societies of Immunology (Kiel, Deutschland) 21. - 24.09.2005.

Wischke, C., Lorenzen, D. R., Zimmermann, J. and Borchert, H.-H.
Physical stability of CTABPLGA microparticles for DNA vaccination.
Vaccine Congress Berlin: New approaches to vaccine development, (Berlin, Deutschland) 08. - 10.09.2005.

Nesselhut, T., Matthes, C., Marx, D., Chang, R. Y., Nesselhut, J., Cillien, N., Gorter, R., Stücker, W. and Peters, J. H.
Cancer therapy with immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with advanced breast cancer.
41st ASCO Annual Meeting (Orlando, Florida, USA) 13. - 17.05.2005.

Lorenzen, D. R., Matthes, C., Marx, D., Nesselhut, J., Peters, J. H. and Nesselhut, N.
IFN-alpha-2 promotes the expression of costimulatory molecules on human immature monocyte-derived dendritic cell (IMODC): Implications for vaccination with unloaded IMODC in cancer immunotherapy.
8th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells (Brugge, Belgien) 17. - 21.09.2004.

Matthes, C., Marx, D., Lorenzen, D. R., Cillien, N., Nesselhut, J., Nesselhut, T. and Peters, J. H.
Monocyte-derived dendritic cells from breast cancer patients for immunotherapeutical application.
Joint Annual Meeting of the German and Dutch Societies for Immunology (JAMI) (Maastricht, Niederlande) 20. - 23.10.2004.

Wischke, C., Zimmermann, J., Lorenzen, D. R. and Borchert, H.-H.
Impact of microparticle phagocytosis on dendritic cell maturation.
Joint Annual Meeting of the German and Dutch Societies for Immunology (JAMI) (Maastricht, Niederlande) 20. - 23.10.2004.

Nesselhut, T., Chang, R. Y., Matthes, C., Marx, D., Lorenzen, D. R., Cillien, N., Martin, M., Gorter, R. and Peters, J. H.
Cancer therapy with unloaded monocyte-derived dendritic cells in patients with inoperable pancreatic and gall bladder cancer.
40th ASCO Annual Meeting (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA) 05. - 08.06.2004.

Matthes, C., Marx, D., Lorenzen, D. R., Cillien, N., Peters, J. H. and Nesselhut, T.
Differences in phenotype and function of monocyte derived dendritic cells
cancer patients and healthy donors.
34th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Immunology (Berlin, Deutschland) 24. - 27.09.2003.

Matthes, C., Marx, D., Cillien, N., Gorter, R., Lorenzen, D. R., Peters, J. H. and Nesselhut, T.
Marker expression of monocyte-derived dendritic cells in healthy individuals and cancer patients; correlation to clinical response.
39th ASCO Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, USA) 31.05. - 03.06.2003.

Nesselhut, T., Matthes, C., Marx, D., Cillien, N., Lorenzen, D. and Peters, J. H.
Dendritische Zelltherapie bei metastasiertem Mammakarzinom: 2-Jahres-Resultate.
Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Bayerischen und der Österreichischen Gesellschaften für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (Würzburg, Deutschland) 28. - 31.05.2003.

Zimmermann, J., Peters, J. H., Schwartz, P., Nesselhut, T. and Lorenzen, D. R.
Delivery of PLGA-microsphere encapsulated antigens to monocytederived dendritic cells (DC) prolongs their antigen presentation and promotes Th1-type cytokine production.
Modern Vaccines Adjuvants & Delivery Systems (MVADS) (Dublin, Ireland) 04. - 06.06.2003.

Zimmermann, J., Peters, J. H., Wischke, C., Borchert, H.-H. and Lorenzen, D. R.
Delivery of PLGA-microsphere encapsulated antigens to monocyte-derived dendritic cells prolongs their antigen presentation and promotes Th1-type cytokine production.
34. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Immunologie (Berlin, Deutschland) 24. - 27.09.2003.

Matthes, C., Marx, D., Hollmann, K., Cillien, N., Lorenzen, D. and Nesselhut, T.
Differences in marker expression of monocyte derived dendritic cells and clinical response.
7th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells (Bamberg, Deutschland) 19. - 24.09.2002.


Artikel über tolerogene (TOM) und regenerative Makrophagen (REM)

Fändrich, F. (2012). Arguments for and against immunoregulatory cell therapy in organ transplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant 17, 329-31.

Fändrich, F. (2011). Tolerance in clinical transplantation: progress, challenge or just a dream? Langenbecks Arch Surg 396, 475-87.

Hutchinson, J. A., Riquelme, P., Geissler, E. K. and Fändrich, F. (2011). Human regulatory macrophages. Methods Mol Biol 677, 181-92.

Hutchinson, J. A., Riquelme, P., Sawitzki, B., Tomiuk, S., Miqueu, P., Zuhayra, M., Oberg, H. H., Pascher, A., Lutzen, U., Janssen, U., Broichhausen, C., Renders, L., Thaiss, F., Scheuermann, E., Henze, E., Volk, H. D., Chatenoud, L., Lechler, R. I., Wood, K. J., Kabelitz, D., Schlitt, H. J., Geissler, E. K. and Fändrich, F. (2011). Cutting Edge: Immunological consequences and trafficking of human regulatory macrophages administered to renal transplant recipients. J Immunol 187, 2072-8.

Ungefroren, H., Groth, S., Sebens, S., Lehnert, H., Gieseler, F. and Fändrich, F. (2011). Differential roles of Smad2 and Smad3 in the regulation of TGF-beta1-mediated growth inhibition and cell migration in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells: control by Rac1. Mol Cancer 10, 67.

Ungefroren, H., Sebens, S., Groth, S., Gieseler, F. and Fändrich, F. (2011). The Src family kinase inhibitors PP2 and PP1 block TGF-beta1-mediated cellular responses by direct and differential inhibition of type I and type II TGF-beta receptors. Curr Cancer Drug Targets 11, 524-35.

Fändrich, F. (2010). Cell therapy approaches aiming at minimization of immunosuppression in solid organ transplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant 15, 703-8.

Fändrich, F. and Ungefroren, H. (2010). Customized cell-based treatment options to combat autoimmunity and restore beta-cell function in type 1 diabetes mellitus: current protocols and future perspectives. Adv Exp Med Biol 654, 641-65.

Hutchinson, J. A., Govert, F., Riquelme, P., Brasen, J. H., Brem-Exner, B. G., Matthai, M., Schulze, M., Renders, L., Kunzendorf, U., Geissler, E. K. and Fändrich, F. (2009). Administration of donor-derived transplant acceptance-inducing cells to the recipients of renal transplants from deceased donors is technically feasible. Clin Transplant 23, 140-5.

Riquelme, P., Govert, F., Geissler, E. K., Fändrich, F. and Hutchinson, J. A. (2009). Human transplant acceptance-inducing cells suppress mitogen-stimulated T cell proliferation. Transpl Immunol 21, 162-5.


Artikel über dendritische Zellen (DC)

Muller-Hubenthal, B., Azemar, M., Lorenzen, D., Huber, M., Freudenberg, M. A., Galanos, C., Unger, C. and Hildenbrand, B. (2009). Tumour Biology: tumour-associated inflammation versus antitumor immunity. Anticancer Res 29, 4795-805.

Wischke, C., Zimmermann, J., Wessinger, B., Schendler, A., Borchert, H. H., Peters, J. H., Nesselhut, T. and Lorenzen, D. R. (2009). Poly(I:C) coated PLGA microparticles induce dendritic cell maturation. Int J Pharm 365, 61-8.

Hildenbrand, B., Lorenzen, D., Sauer, B., Hertkorn, C., Freudenberg, M. A., Peters, J. H., Nesselhut, T., Unger, C. and Azemar, M. (2008). IFN-y enhances T(H)1 polarisation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells matured with clinical-grade cytokines using serum-free conditions. Anticancer Res 28, 1467-76.

Nesselhut, T., Marx, D., Nesselhut, J., Cillien, N., Stuecker, W., Wilke, I. and Lueke, W. (2007). Tumortherapie mit onkolytischen Viren bei malignen Hirntumoren. D. Zschr. f. Onkologie 4, 148-52.

Wischke, C., Borchert, H. H., Zimmermann, J., Siebenbrodt, I. and Lorenzen, D. R. (2006). Stable cationic microparticles for enhanced model antigen delivery to dendritic cells. J Control Release 114, 359-68.

Wischke, C., Lorenzen, D., Zimmermann, J. and Borchert, H. H. (2006). Preparation of protein loaded poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles for the antigen delivery to dendritic cells using a static micromixer. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 62, 247-53.

Nesselhut, T., Marx, D. and Peters, J. H. (2004). Immuntherapie mit dendritischen Zellen bei einer Patientin mit hämatogen metastasiertem Mammakarzinom. D. Zschr. f. Onkologie 36, 27-30.

Peters, J. H., Gieseler, R., Thiele, B. and Steinbach, F. (1996). Dendritic cells: from ontogenetic orphans to myelomonocytic descendants. Immunol Today 17, 273-8.

Xu, H., Kramer, M., Spengler, H. P. and Peters, J. H. (1995). Dendritic cells differentiated from human monocytes through a combination of IL-4, GM-CSF and IFN-gamma exhibit phenotype and function of blood dendritic cells. Adv Exp Med Biol 378, 75-8.

Gieseler, R. K., Xu, H., Schlemminger, R. and Peters, J. H. (1993). Serum-free differentiation of rat and human dendritic cells, accompanied by acquisition of the nuclear lamins A/C as differentiation markers. Adv Exp Med Biol 329, 287-91.

Nesselhut, T. (1993). Influence of MAb (F(Ab)2 OC 125 on the survival rate of ovarian carcinoma patients. Hybridoma 36389, 567-70.

Nesselhut, T. (1993). Influence on antigen exposition of tumor cells by membrane active substances and viral infections. Hybridoma 12, 553-7.

Peters, J. H., Xu, H., Ruppert, J., Ostermeier, D., Friedrichs, D. and Gieseler, R. K. (1993). Signals required for differentiating dendritic cells from human monocytes in vitro. Adv Exp Med Biol 329, 275-80.

Ruppert, J., Schütt, C., Ostermeier, D. and Peters, J. H. (1993). Down-regulation and release of CD14 on human monocytes by IL-4 depends on the presence of serum or GM-CSF. Adv Exp Med Biol 329, 281-6.

Xu, H., Friedrichs, U., Gieseler, R. K., Ruppert, J., Ocklind, G. and Peters, J. H. (1993). Distinct T cell stimulation mechanism and phenotype of human blood dendritic cells. Adv Exp Med Biol 329, 93-8.

Nesselhut, T., Hinney, B., Rath, W., Balwanz, A., Cillien, N. and Kuhn, W. (1992). [Changes in the basic immunologic parameters interleukin-2 receptor and CD8-antigen in pre-eclampsia]. Z Geburtshilfe Perinatol 196, 63-6.

Gieseler, R. K., Rober, R. A., Kuhn, R., Weber, K., Osborn, M. and Peters, J. H. (1991). Dendritic accessory cells derived from rat bone marrow precursors under chemically defined conditions in vitro belong to the myeloid lineage. Eur J Cell Biol 54, 171-81.

Peters, J. H., Ruppert, J., Gieseler, R. K., Najar, H. M. and Xu, H. (1991). Differentiation of human monocytes into CD14 negative accessory cells: do dendritic cells derive from the monocytic lineage? Pathobiology 59, 122-6.

Ruppert, J., Friedrichs, D., Xu, H. and Peters, J. H. (1991). IL-4 decreases the expression of the monocyte differentiation marker CD14, paralleled by an increasing accessory potency. Immunobiology 182, 449-64.

Ruppert, J. and Peters, J. H. (1991). Accessory cell function during monocyte/macrophage differentiation: relation to interleukin-1 (IL-1 beta) production and release. Eur J Cell Biol 55, 352-61.

Ruppert, J. and Peters, J. H. (1991). IL-6 and IL-1 enhance the accessory activity of human blood monocytes during differentiation to macrophages. J Immunol 146, 144-9.

Najar, H. M., Bru-Capdeville, A. C., Gieseler, R. K. and Peters, J. H. (1990). Differentiation of human monocytes into accessory cells at serum-free conditions. Eur J Cell Biol 51, 339-46.

Najar, H. M., Ruhl, S., Bru-Capdeville, A. C. and Peters, J. H. (1990). Adenosine and its derivatives control human monocyte differentiation into highly accessory cells versus macrophages. J Leukoc Biol 47, 429-39.

Peters, J. H., Borner, T. and Ruppert, J. (1990). Accessory phenotype and function of macrophages induced by cyclic adenosine monophosphate. Int Immunol 2, 1195-202.

Rober, R. A., Gieseler, R. K., Peters, J. H., Weber, K. and Osborn, M. (1990). Induction of nuclear lamins A/C in macrophages in in vitro cultures of rat bone marrow precursor cells and human blood monocytes, and in macrophages elicited in vivo by thioglycollate stimulation. Exp Cell Res 190, 185-94.

Peters, J. H., Ruhl, S. and Friedrichs, D. (1987). Veiled accessory cells deduced from monocytes. Immunobiology 176, 154-66.

Doktor- und Diplomarbeiten

Matthes, C. (2006). Dendritische Zellen in der Immuntherapie gegen Tumoren - Untersuchungen zu der durch dendritische Zellen vermittelten spezifischen Immunantwort beim Mammakarzinom und vom Tumor ausgehende immunsupprimierende Einflüsse. Dissertation, Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, Institut für Pharmakologie der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover und Hygieneinstitut Abteilung für Immunologie der Universität Göttingen, Hannover.

Cillien, N. S. (1996): Untersuchungen zur Stimulation und Suppression des Wachstums von humanen Karzinom-Zellkulturen durch Inhaltsstoffe von Cimicifuga racemosa. Diplomarbeit, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fa. Schaper und Brümmer, Salzgitter und Institut für Biochemie der Pflanze der Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen



Paradigms Fashions in immunology Peters 2015

Peters Alleingang Forschungskrimi 2017-02-28

1996-06 Peters JH Immunol Today 17+title


Laborjournal 12-2011 Insert Gimp

Simm 2011 FUTURA 03 DCs NobelPrize


1: ein Auszug der Veröffentlichungen von Ärzten der Praxisgemeinschaft und ihrer Kooperationspartner, die in inhaltlichem Zusammenhang zu den aktuellen Therapiekonzepten stehen, und von wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern während der Zeit ihrer Anstellung